Country Kenya

Do not go, children, to Africa for a walk
Kenyans go to Africa,

To Africa for a walk!

There are sharks in Africa,

There are gorillas in Africa,

In Africa , the big,

Angry crocodiles.

Well, we all remember this famous song of Barmalei, but we won’t listen to him and go for a walk in Africa.

KeniaItak: the country of Kenya is an African country that got its name from the name of its highest mountain.

Kenya has been ruled by the Portuguese since the end of […]

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The left bank of the Don

The Donlevy River bank of the Don is now the business card of Rostov-on-Don, the largest city in the south of Russia. Once upon a time, this river bank was a grove densely populated with trees. Now the left bank of the Don is a whole recreational complex, including: recreation centers, hotels, cafes, restaurants, a city beach, night clubs. Industrial enterprises are located only on a small part of the coast.

Leberdon is how the residents of Rostov-on-Don call a favorite […]

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An unforgettable trip to Shumak

The shore of the Shumak River Almost every year I travel to the Shumak valley of 100 mineral springs. They are located on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia. The springs are hard to reach, located in the heart of the Sayan Mountains. Each source has its own taste, temperature, mineral composition. All sources are different from each other, even if, for example, we take two sources beating from the same griffin.

I make my trips at different times of […]

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Shumak alpine campsite in the mountains of Eastern Sayan

The camp site in the mountains of Eastern Sayan is an unusual and unique tourist base located in a picturesque and inaccessible place at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, 180 km from Irkutsk, in the valley of the Shumak River, Eastern Sayan (Okinsky district, Republic of Buryatia).

In conditions of complete remoteness from civilization, there is landscaping at the campsite:

round-the-clock lighting (220V),
electricity is supplied using a solar power plant,
toilets and hot water showers,
own bakery,
satellite […]

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Which is better: a hostel or a hotel?

What is the difference between a hotel and a hostel? Most people think that the price is always more affordable in the second case. And how much is this true? And how can this savings affect the convenience of living? We will discuss this below.

Let’s make a reservation right away: the difference is comparative. You can always find a good hostel with absolutely free Wi-Fi, cable channels, personal storage, accommodation in a separate room and other amenities. But the price […]

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