What is slow tourism?


Few people will be surprised by a photo next to the Eiffel Tower, but the experience of a two—week life in Paris is quite enough. This is the main idea of slow tourism, or slow tourism: to chase not the number of sights seen, but the quality and fullness of the rest.

At the origins of slow tourism are the terms “slow city” (cittaslow) and “slow food” (slow food). The first appeared as a counterbalance to megacities full of technological progress […]

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The commandments of the slow tourist


No travel agencies and burning tours

And also no guides. Slow tourists plan the route themselves, adding to the must-see list not popular attractions plastered with instagrammers, but what is interesting first of all to them.

If possible, choose a “slow” transport

Slow tourists don’t like to fly on airplanes. Not because of aerophobia, but because airplanes deprive the anticipation of arrival. Cars or trains are much better in this regard, especially if the path runs along long highways like Route 66 or […]

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What is good about slow travel


This is a way to relieve stress, not to get it. You will be less nervous if you don’t try to plan every minute of the trip.

This is a way to support small businesses and help preserve local culture. And it’s not just about foreign trips.

They reflect better on the environment and are more environmentally friendly.

They are cheaper if you want.

How to Travel Slowly in practice

Give up superficial tours in the spirit of “five European cities in three days with […]

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Is there slow tourism in Russia


In Russia, slow tourism has been gradually developing in recent years, but rather weakly and unevenly: there is no centralized route security system, a system for tracking travelers and weather conditions, warning systems or sports fees.

The number of people choosing this type of recreation can be judged only by the statistics of placements in collective sports facilities (for example, those left after the Olympic Games): according to Rosstat, 36.8 million Russian citizens were accommodated in the first nine months of […]

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Slow vehicles: legs and bicycles


The usual means of transportation for slow travelers is on their own two feet. Judging by the statistics of different routes, approximately 89% of tourists in 2018 traveled on foot. Many people make their own routes, pack backpacks and download apps to a smartphone with GPS sensors, but if you are not a very experienced slow traveler, you may not take into account various important nuances, and it would be easier and safer to join an organized group.


The number of […]

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